Mp3 Download song Stewart Tony Supersam FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Stewart Tony song lyrics

Stewart Tony - Supersam Lyrics

Del Monte and the Maraschinos)

Well, at the vines of Timnah
When Samson was alone
A lion came towards him
And roared a fearsome moan
But by the Spirit of the Lord
He became a superman
And tore the helpless lion
As though it were a ram

Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
You ain't seen nothing yet 'til you clapped eyes
On Supersam

He didn't tell his mama
His papa didn't see
He just carried on walking
To meet his wife to be
And when he met the little lady
He found he liked her charms
Decided that he couldn't wait
To hold her in his arms

Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
You ain't seen nothing yet 'til you clapped eyes
On Supersam

Some time later
Near the wedding day
That lion's carcass
Was beginning to decay
Samson saw it
And he thought it was alive
Until he saw a swarm of bees
Had used it as a hive (Dig that. Brother guitarist.)

Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
You ain't seen nothing yet 'til you've clapped eyes
On Supersam

Now Samson wasn't squeamish
He didn't mess about
He just put his little hand in
And pulled some honey out
Oh yes, he put that little hand in
He took that honey out now
He took some to his ma and pa
But didn't blab about

Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
You ain't seen nothing yet 'til you clapped eyes
On Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
Supersam (Is it a bird or is it a plane ?)
You ain't seen nothing yet 'til you clapped eyes
On Supersam (That's some he
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